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InnoCAPE – Transforming Innovation Ecosystem Through Better Capacity of Public Enablers (Industry 4.

The InnoCAPE project designs a cooperation model to develop a digital innovation ecosystem in the Baltic Sea region by exploiting the potential of the continuous digitization of value chains called Industry 4.0.

The project helps public authorities create favorable conditions for digital innovation hubs (DIHs) that serve as intermediary bodies, bringing together Research & Development and industry into digital industrial platforms. By bridging existing gaps, DIHs can efficiently implement Industry 4.0 policies, contribute to a better connected digital single market, and improve competitiveness of the region. InnoCAPE involves 3 public authorities from Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia directly and has support from 5 public authorities in Norway, Sweden, Finland and Lithuania as associated partners.

Project duration: 1.01.2019. – 31.03.2022.

Project total budget is 2.501.050,00 EUR from which 1.864.689,74 EUR is co-financed from by Interreg BSR programme from European Regional Development Fund.

Latvian IT Cluster is project partner, but Sunrise Valley Science and Technology Park from Lithuania is the lead partner of the project.

More information in project website


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