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Projects implemented

Cilvēkresursu apmācības: Komandas talantu piesaistīšanas un noturēšanas know-how!
Aicinām piedalīties cilvēkresursu apmācībās "Komandas talantu piesaistīšanas un noturēšanas know-how!"

Meklējam IKT nozares uzņēmumus, kas vēlas strauji uzsākt darbību eksporta tirgos!
ESCALTECH projekta ietvaros ir iespēja saņemt 70% līdzfinansējumu jaunu tirgu apgūšanā, lai nodrošinātu strauju uzņēmumu izaugsmi!

Imagine ITS Nordic-Baltic Region
Latvian IT Cluster (LITC) as ITS Latvia initiative lead, has been granted support to strengthen ITS initiatives and partnerships with...

Klastera atbalsts IKT nozares internacionalizācijai un attīstības veicināšanai
Latvijas IT klasteris un Centrālā finanšu un līgumu aģentūra 2024. gada 15. maijā noslēdza finansējuma līgumu Nr....

International Consortium Launches Initiative to support EU businesses to Enhance Resilient Supply Chains for Europe
The ResC4EU Consortium proudly announces the launch of its collaboration and support initiative "Resilient Supply Chains for Europe"...’s experience in the EUHubs4Data project: Freedom to experiment
For, accepting EUHubs4Data’s challenge meant jumping into the completely unknown world of machine learning and artificial...

The EUHubs4Data final stage: lessons learned
With year 2023 coming to its end, we likewise celebrate the grand finale of the EUHubs4Data project. It has been a great experience in...

Latvian IT Cluster DIH receives the silver BDVA i-Space label
In the recent EBDVF 2023 conference on October 25th in Valencia, Spain, the new BDVA i-Spaces labels were awarded, celebrating the...

Latvian IT Cluster Scales Collaborations in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
Expanding engagement in global collaborative projects and supporting export initiatives, the Latvian IT Cluster embarked on a promising...

The EUHubs4Data mid-term stage: our lessons learned
Supporting the SMEs in their quest to upgraded products is one of the most exciting tasks for the Latvian IT Cluster DIH as it lets us...

Iespēja pieteikties ESCALTECH projektam
Ja esi tehnoloģiju nozares uzņēmums, kas koncentrējas uz viedo ražošanu, IKT, e-pārvaldi un viedo mobilitāti, un Tavs uzņēmums nav vecāks...

ESCALTECH - tehnoloģiju nozares uzņēmumu darbības paplašināšanas veicināšana
Projekta mērķi un galvenās darbības: Mūsu galvenais mērķis ir izstrādāt un īstenot spēcīgu atbalsta programmu, kas dod iespēju...

Projekts "Eksporta veicināšana starptautiskajām NVO" - INGO
Lielo starptautisko organizāciju, piemēram, Apvienoto Nāciju Organizācijas, Sarkanā Krusta, Starptautiskais Valūtas fonds, Pasaules...

Projekts "Starptautiskās konkurētspējas veicināšana"
Projekta numurs: SKV-L-2022/555 Projekta īstenotājs: Latvijas Investīciju un attīstības aģentūra Projekta mērķis: Palielināt augstas...

Jaunie tehnoloģiju uzņēmumi saņems atbalstu konkurētspējas veicināšanai
Latvijas IT klasteris sadarbībā ar Igaunijas Informācijas tehnoloģiju un telekomunikāciju asociāciju un Somijas koprades ekosistēmas...

Projekts “Development of AI – ICT for Manufacturing EDIH in Latvia”/ EDIC: atbalsts digitalizācijai un mākslīgā intelekta attīstībai Latvijā”
2022. gada 6. decembrī Latvijas IT klasteris noslēdza Eiropas Savienības granta līgumu ar Eiropas Komisiju par projekta...

HR brokastis - IKT nozares atalgojuma pētījums 2022 / apmācību iespējas
Oktobra sākumā Latvijas IT klasteris sadarbībā ar LIKTA organizēja HR brokastis un pasākuma mērķis bija iepazīstināt IKT nozares...

Eksporta atbalsts Latvijas IT klastera biedriem Indijas tirgū
Aicinām piedalīties “eMesai” projekta aktivitātēs un saņemt 75% atbalstu Latvijas IT klastera biedrus, kuri plāno paplašināt eksportu uz...

The Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) of European Commission has signed grant agreement with the five-partner

IKT profesionāļu apmācības inovācijas veicināšanai un nozares attīstībai
Ar apmacību palīdzību paaugstināt IKT profesionaļu kvalifikāciju, sekmējot tehnoloģisko inovāciju ieviešanu un produktivitātes augšanu.

Companies are invited to fill in an online form and join the campaign: The aim...

An opportunity for startups & SMEs in the SOUTH Region OPEN CALL: Deadline for applying is Monday April 20, 2020 at 5 p.m. You have a...

"eMesai" - eksports uz Indiju, AAE un Subsahāras Āfrikas valstīm
Aicinām piedalīties “eMesai” projekta aktivitātēs un saņemt 70% atbalstu Latvijas IT Klastara biedriem.

Competitive Economy Through Cross Border Export Support to Sub-Saharan Africa, India and UAE
Sub-Saharan Africa, India and UAE are growing markets and have enormous business potential for technology companies - especially in the...

InnoCAPE – Transforming Innovation Ecosystem Through Better Capacity of Public Enablers (Industry 4.
The InnoCAPE project designs a cooperation model to develop a digital innovation ecosystem in the Baltic Sea region by exploiting the...

The Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) of European Commission has signed grant agreement with the...

Promotion of competitiveness and export capacity of IT industry
On February 1, 2017, Latvian IT Cluster signed an agreement with Central Finance and Contracting Agency for implementation of project No...

Five for Cross-industry Value Chain Excellence
The European Commission has signed grant agreement with the five-partner consortium, where Latvian IT Cluster is lead partner, for...

Promotion activities of Latvian IT companies for expanding in export markets
In the 12th of November, 2015 Latvian IT Cluster signed Agreement with the Latvian Investment and Development Agency on the...

Promotion of Latvian IT companies export capacity and adoption in new markets
On the 12th of October, 2015 Latvian IT Cluster signed Agreement with the Latvian Investment and Development Agency on the implementation...

Baltic Enterpreneurship Laboratories
The BELT project creates new joint Central Baltic companies and cooperation between start-ups in the Central Baltic region. The project...

ICT Meta Cluster
The ICT SMEs within the Central Baltic countries are in a challenging situation due to a very small size of fiercely competed domestic...

Export promotion of IT sector products and services to external markets
On the 4th of August, 2015 Latvian IT Cluster signed Agreement with the Latvian Investment and Development Agency on the implementation...

Latvian IT sector competitivness promotion on export markets
On the 27th of May, 2015 Latvian IT Cluster signed Agreement with the Latvian Investment and Development Agency on the implementation of...

Development of the open innovation platform DEMOLA Latvia
Latvian IT Cluster takes part in the Nordic-Baltic Mobility and Network Programme for Business and Industry. The project consists of...

Marketing activities of Latvian IT industry in foreign countries in 2015
In the 27th of April, 2015 Latvian IT Cluster signed Agreement with the Latvian Investment and Development Agency on the implementation...

Export promotion activities of Latvian IT sector
On the 26th of August, 2014 Latvian IT Cluster signed Agreement with the Latvian Investment and Development Agency on the implementation...

One-stop-shop for SME: success through cross-border collaboration
Cultural and technichal barriers, between baltic countries, can be a challenge for business. This project aims to analyze these barriers...

Export promotion activities of Latvian IT companies
On the 23rd of January, 2014 Latvian IT Cluster signed Agreement with the Latvian Investment and Development Agency on the implementation...

Expansion of Demola Network to Latvia - new platform for innovations
Latvian IT Cluster takes part in the Nordic-Baltic Mobility and Network Programme for Business and Industry. This project intends to...

ERDF - for export
On the 14th of June, 2013 Latvian IT Cluster signed Agreement with the Latvian Investment and Development Agency on the implementation of...

Export Activities of IT companies 2013
Latvian IT Cluster implements the project “Export Activities of IT companies 2013” co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund...

eHealth export
On the 8th of November, 2012, Latvian IT Cluster signed the Agreement with the Latvian Investment and Development Agency on the...

On the 24th of September, 2012 Latvian IT Cluster signed the Agreement with the Latvian Investment and Development Agency on the...

Cluster Development Project
Latvian IT Cluster started to implement project “IT CEAP – Information technology cluster’s embassies, academy, platforms” (in Latvian...

Development of the open innovation platform DEMOLA Latvia
Latvian IT Cluster takes part in the Nordic-Baltic Mobility and Network Programme for Business and Industry. The project consists of...

Development of Latvian IT companies in export markets
On the 15th of March, 2012 Latvian IT Cluster signed Agreement with the Latvian Investment and Development Agency on the implementation...
ICT platform
In summer 2011 a new project was evaluated and approved in the Estonia Latvia Russia cross border cooperation programme. After submission...

ERDF - for export
On the 31st of August, 2011 Latvian IT Cluster signed the Agreement with the Latvian Investment and Development Agency on the...

Cross-sectoral approach-new challenge for ICT clusters
Project lifetime: 02.06.2011. – 02.06.2012. The project is planning cooperation visits to Sweden, Finland, Denmark and Iceland. About the...
Project news / previous projects
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