Projects implemented
Cilvēkresursu apmācības: Komandas talantu piesaistīšanas un noturēšanas know-how!
Meklējam IKT nozares uzņēmumus, kas vēlas strauji uzsākt darbību eksporta tirgos!
Imagine ITS Nordic-Baltic Region
Klastera atbalsts IKT nozares internacionalizācijai un attīstības veicināšanai
International Consortium Launches Initiative to support EU businesses to Enhance Resilient Supply Chains for Europe’s experience in the EUHubs4Data project: Freedom to experiment
The EUHubs4Data final stage: lessons learned
Latvian IT Cluster DIH receives the silver BDVA i-Space label
Latvian IT Cluster Scales Collaborations in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
The EUHubs4Data mid-term stage: our lessons learned
Iespēja pieteikties ESCALTECH projektam
ESCALTECH - tehnoloģiju nozares uzņēmumu darbības paplašināšanas veicināšana
Projekts "Eksporta veicināšana starptautiskajām NVO" - INGO
Projekts "Starptautiskās konkurētspējas veicināšana"
Jaunie tehnoloģiju uzņēmumi saņems atbalstu konkurētspējas veicināšanai
Projekts “Development of AI – ICT for Manufacturing EDIH in Latvia”/ EDIC: atbalsts digitalizācijai un mākslīgā intelekta attīstībai Latvijā”
HR brokastis - IKT nozares atalgojuma pētījums 2022 / apmācību iespējas
Eksporta atbalsts Latvijas IT klastera biedriem Indijas tirgū
IKT profesionāļu apmācības inovācijas veicināšanai un nozares attīstībai
"eMesai" - eksports uz Indiju, AAE un Subsahāras Āfrikas valstīm
Competitive Economy Through Cross Border Export Support to Sub-Saharan Africa, India and UAE
InnoCAPE – Transforming Innovation Ecosystem Through Better Capacity of Public Enablers (Industry 4.
Promotion of competitiveness and export capacity of IT industry
Five for Cross-industry Value Chain Excellence
Promotion activities of Latvian IT companies for expanding in export markets
Promotion of Latvian IT companies export capacity and adoption in new markets
Baltic Enterpreneurship Laboratories
ICT Meta Cluster
Export promotion of IT sector products and services to external markets
Latvian IT sector competitivness promotion on export markets
Development of the open innovation platform DEMOLA Latvia
Marketing activities of Latvian IT industry in foreign countries in 2015
Export promotion activities of Latvian IT sector
One-stop-shop for SME: success through cross-border collaboration
Export promotion activities of Latvian IT companies
Expansion of Demola Network to Latvia - new platform for innovations
ERDF - for export
Export Activities of IT companies 2013
eHealth export
Cluster Development Project
Development of the open innovation platform DEMOLA Latvia
Development of Latvian IT companies in export markets
ICT platform
ERDF - for export
Cross-sectoral approach-new challenge for ICT clusters